The Process

The placenta encapsulation process will begin with someone (a family member, close friend, or your doula) calling us to let us know you've given birth, and when you would like us to pick your placenta up for processing in our home, or when we will be able to come to your home for processing. Your placenta will need to be either kept on ice or refrigerated as soon as possible after the birth, and definitely within a couple of hours post-birth. It needs to be frozen after 48 hours.
Encapsulation is a 2-day process if it is done in your own home; we will need access to your kitchen for about 2 hours each day. The first day we will do your placenta prints, clean and prepare your placenta for dehydration, and start the dehydration process. On the second day, we will grind the dehydrated placenta and put it into capsules. The process can be done more quickly if we will be preparing the placenta in one of our homes; we will return your finished prints and capsules to you within 24 hours of receiving your placenta.
We prefer to get your finished, encapsulated placenta to you by the third day after your birth for the most benefit. If you will not be home from the hospital in time for us to complete the process before the third day, we suggest either having us prepare the placenta in one of our homes, or having someone at your home to allow us to do the process there while you are still in the hospital recovering.